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ICT for Agriculture

To provide citizens with required skills to be able to live, learn, work and participate in a digital society.

UCUSAF’s ICT in Agriculture program includes a range of initiatives such as the ICT 4 Farmer app, farmer extension services call center, websites for district farmer federations, digital skilling for farmers, and the agricultural e Academy. These initiatives aim to improve the agricultural sector’s productivity and efficiency using technology, promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth (SDG 8), and provide access to quality education and training in the agricultural sector (SDG 4). The program’s implementation also supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) and the creation of sustainable communities (SDG 11).

The implementation of this program has had a positive impact on the agricultural sector, including increased smartphone penetration, growth in subscription and usage of the ICT4 Farmers app, growth in usage of the virtual distributed call center to support agricultural extension services, and growth in agricultural support for online content for farmers. These impacts align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) and the promotion of sustainable economic growth (SDG 8). The program has also contributed to the achievement of SDG 1 (end to poverty) and SDG 2 (zero hunger) by improving farmers’ access to information and support services to increase their productivity and income.

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