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Content Development Support
Programme (CDSP)


The Content Development Support Programme (CDSP) is an initiative dedicated to supporting the audio-visual Industry in Uganda. This initiative will provide support to Ugandan production companies and individuals for the development of Audio-visual content. This includes feature films, short films, animations, documentaries, and television dramas.  It is envisaged that through this Programme, Ugandans will be able to create employment opportunities, generate revenue, acquire skills, promote and develop audiences for local content.

Objectives of Content Development Support Programme

The Content Development Support Programme seeks to achieve the following objectives;

Support Areas

This financial year 2020/2021, the Commission has prioritized support for development and production of local films/audio-visual content which promotes Ugandan culture and tourism. The content should be under any of the following genres;

General Conditions for Application

Exclusion Areas:

The Programme does not support the following: 

Time Limit on Committed Support

Successful applicants or beneficiaries have a one-year period (financial year) to raise and utilise the approved support. Failure to do so will result in the automatic forfeiture of such support, which will be reallocated to other projects. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that funds are raised and milestones met within this time period.  An extension may be granted in exceptional circumstances. The beneficiary must request an extension in writing at least three months before the expiration of the one-year period.


The Content Development Support Programme will operate on a recoupment basis where applicable. The recouped revenue from audiovisual productions that have been successful will be used to replenish the Content Development Support Programme.

Evaluation Process of Applications

General Evaluation Criteria for Applications

The project will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 

Requirements for Application

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